Student award | The MLQE's favourite

The student award was created in 2014. It aims to reward the best work carried out by students in the context of their studies in the field of Quality, Safety, Environment, CSR, or any area that allows a company to improve.

This prize also aims to motivate them, to reward them with a scholarship and to give them the opportunity to be evaluated by professionals.

Target group

Bachelor's and Master's students (Quality, Safety, Environment, CSR...)

Types of projects 

Any project whose purpose is:

  • - Improvement of an organisation's management through quality, CSR,...
  • - Improvement of the overall performance of an organisation meeting the expectations of one or more of its stakeholders


The "catchment area" is Luxembourg and the Greater Region, however a link with Luxembourg is desired, namely :

  • - The student is Luxembourgish OR has a link with Luxembourg
  • - Studied at a Luxembourg or foreign university BUT contributed through his work to the improvement of an organisation operating on Luxembourg territory.


  • - Registration: May-September
  • - Submission of the application file :
    • a summary of the work (maximum 2 A4 pages) to the jury
    • September-October
  • - Language of report: French or English
  • - Oral defence before a jury (approx. 20 min.): October-November
  • - Award Ceremony: PLQE Gala Evening or dedicated event